World-Readiness Guided Activities for Student ePortfolios
Menu of activities
NOTE: The menu of items here comes from the etextbook series Llaves, Llaves2, Llaves3, and Llaves4
- Cultura en videos - La gozadera - Gente de Zona con Marc Anthony - Completar la actividad en el libro, hacer referencia en Canvas
- Extend Actividad 1.3 by using Post-it! Notes: use your phone and an electronic dictionary to look up words for items around your house/apartment/dorm room. Write the Spanish word only on it, and stick the post-it note on the object, then, every time you walk by them, repeat them in your mind or, better yet, say them out loud. Submit pictures of the post-it notes throughout your house or apartment. (Entregar en Canvas)
- Cultura: El cine en español (entregar en Canvas)
- Extend Actividades 2.9 y 2.10—Mi familia, by doing a little bit of extra research on your family tree. Try interviewing someone in your family or doing research on a family history website. Create a family tree, including names of family members and their relationship to you. Include dates of birth and death dates (if appropriate) for some of your family members and places where they live or lived. Write a brief description of one of your family members using the verbs ser and tener that we have covered. (Entregar en Canvas)
Canciones y videos en español — Check out the Latin Hotlist on YouTube or Latin Playlists on Spotify. Speak with your instructor about sharing it in class so your amigos y amigas de la clase can listen to it as well. Better yet, make your own Latin music playlist and share it. (Entregar en Canvas) - Comida en clase — One of the best ways to experience cultural products is to try foods from different places. In this activity, do research on a recipe from a Spanish-speaking country. Visit online resources, watch cooking videos, or talk with one of your relatives about a recipe, then prepare the dish. Record yourself making the dish (like on a cooking show) and share the video with the class. You may also consider preparing your favorite dish (doesn't have to be from a Spanish-speaking country). You will be expected to present the list of ingredients for the recipe in Spanish. (Entregar en Canvas)
- Nacionalidades — All nations of the world have ways in which they refer to themselves. Many of these have deep roots in identifying their culture and history. Likewise, some nations have terms they use for other nations that have become derogatory in nature. Please avoid these. Research the terms provided here, and add one or two more for your own. Please include your references (links where you found the information you are sharing).
- Costa Ricans call themselves and prefer to be called, “ticos or ticas” instead of the formal term “costaricense” what is the origin of the term “tico”?
- People from Puerto Rico frequently use the term “Boricua” when talking about themselves and the island. Where is that from?
- People from the República Dominicana often use the term “quisqueyano or quisqueyana” when talking about themselves and the island. Where is that from?
- Where does the term “gringo” come from? Did you know that this word first showed up in a formal dictionary in 1787 and had nothing to do with people from the United States? Find out more and how it has evolved.
- Why do the people of Paraguay identify with the language, food, and practices of the word “guaraní”?
- What else did you discover?
- Cultura en video: Somos la universidad de la nación, UNAM - Completar la actividad en el libro - hacer referencia en Canvas.
- Switch your phone to Spanish (Cambia tu teléfono al Español) – We’ve talked about the fact that having any contact with the language you are learning helps increase your proficiency. One of the best ways is to set your phone to Spanish. Watch this video and follow the steps to make the switch. Once you have done so, take 5 separate screenshots showing you have switched the language and submit them here in the 3Cs portfolio along with a list of at least 20 words in Spanish that you have learned from just playing around on your phone. (Entregar en Canvas)
- Photo Collage (Colección de fotos) – If you enjoy photography, with a regular camera or with your phone camera, go out and about in your community and take pictures of things that identify the Hispanic culture present there. This is different from the Bilingual Scavenger Hunt. These might be murals or restaurants, architecture, etc. You should arrange these photos in a pleasing manner that resembles a scrapbook. Include a few lines about why you think these photos show the area’s culture. (Entregar en Canvas)
- Gramática en video — use this activity as part of your portafolio - make reference that you completed it in your textbook work in your submission in Canvas.
- Cultura: El día de los muertos - The Book of Life - Seguir las instrucciones en el libro, entregar en Canvas.
- Una visita virtual a mi casa o apartamento - Make a short video tour of your house or apartment in Spanish. Be sure to include at least 3 different spaces in the video tour. Name each space and several items in each space. This tour should last 2-4 minutes. (Ver ejemplos en el libro, entregar en Canvas).
- Actividad Antonio Gaudí - Completar la actividad en el libro - hacer referencia en Canvas.
- Cultura: El centro nacional de cultura hispana - una visita virtual
Extend Diario 4: Tu pasatiempo favorito o actividad favorita - Prepara un video en TikTok – usa este sitio popular para preparar un video de 60 segundos máximo, de ti y/o tus amigos haciendo tu actividad favorita.
Extend Actividad 5: Películas favoritas - Hay muchas películas muy buenas en español. Hay varias películas ganadoras del premio Óscar que son de países de habla hispana. Hay películas que fueron nominadas también pero que no ganaron. También hay varias actrices y varios actores que fueron nominados o que ganaron el premio. Prepara un reporte que incluya listas de las películas nominadas, ganadoras y el país de origen. Puedes también incluir actrices, actores, directores, productores y otros aspectos de películas que reciben nominaciones como parte de los premios Óscar que vienen de los países de Latinoamérica y España. Puedes usar los siguientes términos para buscar información en Internet: “list of Latin American Academy Award winners and nominees,” “list of Spanish Academy Award winners and nominees,” and “list of Hispanic Academy Award winners and nominees.”
Extend Actividad 5.17 and 5.18: ¿Qué hiciste...? - Prepara un video sobre lo que tú hiciste ayer o el fin de semana pasado. Puedes incluir a tus amigas y amigos también. Este video debe durar más de los 60 segundos en TikTok, so please use something besides TikTok - Bilingual Scavenger Hunt (búsqueda bilingüe) — look around your community or in your own cupboards for samples of things (labels, signs, advertisements, brochures, etc.) in both Spanish and English. Take pics of them, and submit them to your instructor with a couple of paragraphs (250 words total) on why you think it is important for these things to be in both Spanish and English. Submit a minimum of 20 pictures or examples. (Entregar en Canvas)
- Canciones y videos en español — Check out the Latin Hotlist on YouTube or Latin Playlists on Spotify. Speak with your instructor about sharing it in class so your amigos y amigas de la clase can listen to it as well. Better yet, make your own Latin music playlist and share it. (Entregar en Canvas)
- Video: Canción "Soy el mismo" - use this activity as part of your portafolio - make reference that you completed it in your textbook work in your submission in Canvas.
- Historia familiar – Extend Actividad 7.8 – Select one of the people in your family and describe what they used to do when they were younger. This is especially interesting if you talk about tu abuelo o tu abuela o una tía o un tío. (Entregar en Canvas)
- Extend Actividad 7.1 on Sistemas Educativos – Select a country that interests you and explore more about their educational systems, always focusing on similarities (semejanzas) and diferencias. (Entregar en Canvas)
- Extend Actividad 7.1 – Instead of covering educational systems, pick something in which you are interested, such as criminal Justice systems, businesses, etc. (Entregar en Canvas)
- Cultura en video: "Muchacha" - Gente de Zona - use this activity as part of your portafolio - make reference that you completed it in your textbook work in your submission in Canvas.
- Extender Actividades 8.5 y/o 8.6 – Cuéntame un cuento. Prepare a podcast or a video where you record with your classmates the story you prepared in either of these activities. Share it with the rest of the class. (Entregar en Canvas)
- Explore stories and legends from the Spanish-speaking world. There are fairy tales and other legends from all the Spanish speaking countries. Do a search for “cuentos de hadas en español” or “leyendas de (escribe el país)” – por ejemplo, “leyendas tradicionales de Guatemala”. Write a summary in your own words about what you learned. (Entregar en Canvas)
- Cultura: Música de los Andes – use this activity as part of your portafolio - make reference that you completed it in your textbook work in your submission in Canvas.
- Extend Actividad 9.3 – Follow one or more online publication(s) or newspaper(s) from Spanish-speaking countries and submit summaries of what you learn from the news. (Entregar en Canvas)
- Extend Actividad 9.7 Las noticias antiguas – el quipu y los chasquis by making your own Quipu – Use different colors of strings or yarn to record aspects of your life in knots. For example, select a color for your family (como el azul) and tie a knot for each member in your family. Select a different color (como el amarillo) and tie a knot for every year you have been in school (desde la primaria hasta la universidad). Select another color (como tu color favorito) and tie a knot representing how old you are. Continue this until you have at least 10 separate strands (you might include pets, how much money you have, etc.) Link them all together with one separate strand (como un hilo negro). Submit it as part of your 3Cs portfolio with a color key for your instructor.
- Read Huevos verdes con jamón de Dr. Seuss en español – As you read, or listen to someone reading this book, identify all the ways el condicional is used in the story. (Entregar en Canvas)
- Noticias de la clase – Form a group of three or four students from your class and prepare a short newscast where you each take a part to share one or two items of recent news. This broadcast should be prepared and recorded. Make sure and cover things like: noticias internacionales y/o nacionales, deportes, clima, etc. (Entregar en Canvas)
- Cultura en videos: "Madre Tierra" - Chayanne - use this activity as part of your portafolio - make reference that you completed it in your textbook work in your submission in Canvas.
- Direcciones en tu teléfono. Remember back in earlier chapter of Llaves, when we discussed switching your phone to Spanish? Well, did you know that your maps function will work in Spanish, providing both written and verbal instructions in Spanish? Switch your phone to Spanish and use the maps tool and navigator to follow directions to at least two different places in town. Take a couple of screenshots and submit them as proof. (Entregar en Canvas)
- Extend Diario 1 – Una persona importante de mi familia – research and write about (in Spanish) one of your other relatives from your family tree. Include:
- Una entrevista – if you have a relative that speaks Spanish (whether they grew up speaking or learned Spanish later), record an interview on your phone where you ask them questions about their life and your extended family. Submit the recording with a summary you write that shares what you learned from the experience about this person and/or the family in general in Canvas.
- Extend Actividad 11.11 - La Independencia en el Caribe – The independence of the Spanish-speaking countries in the Caribbean were different from many of the other countries in Latin America. Take time to research and share what you learn about these three. Complete the work in the textbook and make a reference to it in your submission in Canvas.
- AFTER MLS 11.2 – Video - ¿El comprar un carro nuevo o usado? Since Knowledge Checkpoint 11.2 talked about car and truck prices in Latin America, we thought it would be a good idea for you to check out some videos on car shopping and buying. Complete the work in the textbook and make a reference to it in your submission in Canvas.
- Extend Cultura en videos: La influencia africana en los países hispanohablantes - Follow the instructions in the textbook and answer questions and share your impressions on what you learned (Entregar en Canvas)
- Extend Diario 2 – Instead of just writing about what you would do to complete a makeover of a room or part of a house, do a video explaining what you want to do. (Entregar en Canvas)
- Extend - Mejorando mi rutina – Make your own video about your routine. You don’t need to upload it to YouTube, but you should be able to submit it to your instructor. Make sure to be as detailed as possible. The video should last at least 5 minutes. (Entregar en Canvas).
- Extend Cultura en videos: La influencia judea en los países hispanohablantes - Follow the instructions in the textbook and answer questions and share your impressions on what you learned (Entregar en Canvas)
- Cultura en videos: El flamenco - use this activity as part of your portafolio - make reference that you completed it in your textbook work in your submission in Canvas.
- Extend Cultura en videos: La influencia de los gitanos... - Follow the instructions in the textbook and answer questions and share your impressions on what you learned (Entregar en Canvas)
- Extend Actividades 14.8 and 14.9 - read two more leyendas - complete the work in the textbook and make a reference that you completed it in your submission in Canvas.
- Cultura en videos: Las torres humanas de España - use this activity as part of your portafolio - make reference that you completed it in your textbook work in your submission in Canvas.
- Extend Cultura en videos. Busca otra tradición o práctica en el mundo hispano y comparte lo que encuentras. Research and write about (in Spanish or English) about ONE other tradition or practice from the of Spain and Latin America. (Entregar en Canvas)
- Cultura: Las siete maravillas del mundo
- Extend diario 1 by making a video about what you wrote about with your job or future career.
- Extend la actividad las siete maravillas del mundo by doing another maravilla
- Extend la actividad sobre los lugares impresionantes by doing more research on one of those places.
- Extend música latina activities and prepare your own playlist to share
- Extend activities 17.10 and 17.11 - prepare videos of these dialogues.
- Extend activity on ñoquis to discover another traditional food from a Spanish-speaking country
- Videos de cocina - prepare a video on preparing another dish from a Spanish-speaking country
- Extend activities 18.9 and 18.10 by recording an interview and sharing it with the class.
- Submit either the Desafío de lectura or Desafío de comprensión (whichever you did not submit as part of the chapter's regular work).
- Extend Actividad 19.1 - discover more about a holiday or tradition in another country
- Un festival extraño - find information about an uncommonly known tradition, holiday or festival.
- Extend Actividad 20.2 by completing the information on la comunicación intercultural.
- Extend Actividad 20.3 sobre los juegos favoritos y busca información sobre juegos típicos o tradicionales de varios países hispanohablantes y comparte la información sobre tres o cuatro juegos diferentes.