Diarios and other Writing Assignments
You will write at least once per chapter in a journal that you will share with your instructor and, on occasion, with your classmates. You will always be allowed to start this writing in class, and often you will be able to finish it in class. Your Instructor will suggest certain topics related to the work you are doing in class, but you will always have the option to write on any topic you choose. When you turn your journal in for review, your instructor will review what you have written and respond with general comments and suggestions on grammar and content.
Your instructor will not give detailed corrections, though you may visit your instructor during their office hours for specific help. The journal is meant to stimulate more writing and more thought in Spanish on your part; consequently, you will not be graded on how many errors you make, but on whether you did make the effort to write at each opportunity.
A minimally satisfactory performance might include a full paragraph for each journal entry assigned in class. Writing just one or two lines is not considered satisfactory. However, students may write as much as they would like. This may be done via email with your instructor or using a paper notebook, your instructor will indicate which will be used in the class.
Clave para corregir composiciones
d -- deletreo/ spelling-wrong letters
o -- ortografía-acento diacrítico/ spelling-accent missing
f -- forma (de la palabra, verbo mal conjugado, etc.) incorrect form (word, verb)
t -- tiempo verbal equivocado/ wrong verb tense
a -- aspecto equivocado (imperfecto/pretérito)/ wrong verbal aspect
m -- modo equivocado (indicativo/subjuntivo/imperativo)/ incorrect mood (indicative/subjunctive/imperative--command)
v -- vocabulario (a common vocab. mistake is between ser and estar)
c -- concordancia (entre adjetivos y sustantivos, sujeto y verbo) agreement (between adjectives and nouns, subject and verb)
e -- eliminar (borrar) take this out, not needed or look for something else.
pf -- forma del pronombre equivocada/ wrong pronoun form
pt -- tipo de pronombre equivocado/ wrong pronoun type
prep -- preposición equivocada/ wrong preposition
art -- artículo incorrecto/wrong article (such as using el/la instead of un/una) or lack of article
may -- mayúscula - o necesita ser letra mayúscula o puso letra mayúscula y no hace falta
conj -- conjunción equivocada/ wrong conjunction
rel -- pronombre relativo equivocado/ wrong relative pronoun
(quien, que, de quien, de que, los/las cuales el/la/lo cual)
¿? -- ¿No entiendo? / Huh?
op -- orden de las palabras/ word order
fa -- falta algo/ something missing
wo -- word order / switch the words around
s/e -- ser vs. estar - you used one and probably should have used the other
, . ; : -- puntuación indicada
:) - me gusta